so there's been alot on my heart right now, but it's been so hard to verbalize it all b/c it's been mixed in w/reoccurring sick days (again!) as well as ridulously busy weeks of conferences, homegroups, and working through my issues (grrr). so, while i could not sleep on this bright, beautiful thursday morning, i figured i'd make myself useful and get to typing.
i just got this new book from a friend last week called "the new mystics" by john crowder. it's this huge medley of amazing god-lovers past and present that were known for being his friends. you should read it. it'll make you utterly unsatisfied w/ what you've seen yourself and completely compelled to host the presence of god as never before. it'll cause you to explore the mysterious and hidden rooms w/in your spirit that confirms the breathtakingly odd part of who our god is. it will jumpstart a motor in you that has a built-in propellor, probably. try it, you may like it...
on another note, i'm preparing for some new approaches to the jewelry line. i have these great, oversized postcards that i'm very psyched about that i'm sending out to hip boutiques that i feel could appreciate what i do. i used to do a email newsletter, but that was almost exclusively for my direct clients. i feel, though, that god may be causing me to branch out into some previously feared territories. please pray for me as i move forward in approaching shops to purchase my pieces wholesale.
also, there's such a freshness to life right now. here in norcal, the sun is shining and the brisk breeze is blowing like crazy. everyone i know is just itching to get outside again and go exploring through this lovely part of the country. likewise, i'm feeling a resounding hope rise up out of me that god is good and sovereign and exactly who he says that he is. may faith and expectation likewise bubble up out of you as the winter slinks away and spring bursts forth!!!
one more thing, if you've got problems w/ your complextion... i've got something i've been using for a week now and it's cleared me up beautifully. ask me about it if you like....