if you feel so inclined, feel free to send some support by way of the paypal link in the left margin or by check to the church if tax deductible is an issue.
i've been working some part time side jobs lately that make me really appreciate the idea of some stability coming up in my life. i've done taste testing promotions and temp work mainly. i'm thinking that i'll probably temp all through the summer as it's quite flexible. i'm seriously considering a newspaper route too. anyone you know ever done that??? the hours are crazy, but again, i like the idea of lots of random jobs that give me a well rounded collection of income streams. of course, i've always got chrystalyn jewelry. if you've not yet checked out the keychains, do so immediately. the wings are selling like mad!
as for the summer, my immediate plans are to stay here in redding through the summer w/ the exception of some much needed traveling. i've not been to texas since i moved here during the middle of september. i'm also hooking myself up w/ some ministry opportunities here @ bethel as i think it's very important that i stay in a posture to pour out to others right now.
in fact, i'm completely psyched about the healing rooms. i'm taking a class right now that will enable me to work in the healing rooms by the time school is out. healing is the one thing right now that i just feel god dangling out before me like a carrot on a string. i've determined to not leave redding until i see some serious breakthrough in this realm. and really, i know this conviction is just an invitation to experience another piece of who god is so i'm very expectant.
our weekly outreach, which is supernatural business, is also going to continue during the summer. this particular outreach was new for the year and our class really had the honor to carve out and pioneer what it looked like. i will definitely continue on w/ this weekly endeavor. god told me in the first week of school that he'd use the outreach time to both cultivate some experience in this arena as well as give me the opportunity to seed into others' businesses. if i did so, he said he'd bless what i did in business also.
oh, MISSIONS!!!! so we had missions week the last few weeks. if you've been reading the blog, you know that i wasn't able to go on the tecate, mx trip as initially expected. i was bummed, but in the same instance, god had been talking to me about being like david's men that stayed behind and still got to share in the spoils. we did have an enjoyable time and i did have some great creative breakthrough. that week, the keychain idea was birthed!!! the photo was the saturday revival we did here in town @ a local park. we did a bbq, worship, carnival, and anointing time (complete w/ fire tunnel). i was so excited b/c my words of knowledge were so on that day!!!

and as a final note, i've just been reflecting a ton this week. my momma is currently here visiting and things are shifting like wild. we're all in this new outfit that we're all kinda tripping over pant legs right now b/c we've certainly not grown into it but we've also not quite learned how to manage ourselves according to it either. it's an awkward place to be and a bright one as well. i'm just thankful that i'm having this chance in my life to set everything aside and really get myself put together again. it's such a massive blessing.
love you...
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