Thursday, November 27, 2008
On this Saturday & Sunday, for 48 hours only, you will be able to get any pair of earrings for a flat 25% off the retail price!
Just log on to the Chrystalyn Shop (click the photo) and stock up on authentic gemstone earrings to your heart's content. All shop prices for earrings will reflect the 48 hour sale price between the hours of 7AM pacific time on Saturday until Monday at 7AM. Remember, many pieces are one of a kind so shop early for the best selection. Buy as much or as little as you like. But no matter what, make sure you enjoy the discount!!!
Gift wrap available free of charge upon request during 48 HR SALE.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Spend $75 or more from now through December 5 and get a $20 Gift Certificate to use at the Chrystalyn Jewelry Etsy Shop. Wouldn't it be great to get that gorgeous bracelet for your mom and still have a little something left over for yourself?
This offer ends soon, so get it while you can!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Let's not forget about the wine charms!!

Don't forget about wine charms! They're in sets of four and are authentic gemstones. Each set is $15 per set. If you're local, you can still check out the wine charms & ornament tree over @ Monica's Vintage Inspired this week...
Want custom??? Choose color combos, stone medleys, or theme for a set.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
All Occasion Ornaments
Be on the lookout...

Saturday, November 01, 2008
Bright & Bustling Holiday Event!
There will be multiple local designers and that makes this whole brilliant idea much more fun. Other local creative folk along side me and we'll all be doing our best not to overtake every gleeful shopper that sets foot into Monica's shop. It's not so much about the sales as it is about the energy of the holidays. Everyone bundled up in their hip scarves and, in this part of the country, their rainboots searching high and low for the one perfect gift that will gracefully and fully symbolize and epitomize the way that they relate to the one that will receive said gift. It's absolutely magical!
So, I hope to see you on November 15th with the brightest of smiles upon your beautiful face! Maybe you'll buy one of my handcrafted gemstone ornaments or set of delicate wine charms. But that doesn't matter... what matters is that we're having the time of our lives celebrating what's lovely in this world!
See you soon to celebrate!
Chrystal Lynn
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
kansas, really...
we should be gone a few weeks, i believe. we're driving straight through. we'll be in belleville (pop. 1,864) as well as kansas city (pop. 1,776,062). we've got the best of both worlds.
i'll get to see ihop (international house of prayer) and where my honey grew up.
i'll keep you posted... (blog pun intended, oh yeah!)
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
in the paper...
the photo!
Monday, October 06, 2008
so i need a new camera. badly. i want one that does all sorts of fun things w/ settings and such. flash just isn't enough for an experimental gal like me. i love the manual settings (on digital only!) and then toy around til i figure out how to get a crisp shot. fun, fun, fun. i know: nerd, nerd, nerd.
i have 2 more days of this temp job. i look forward to carrying on w/ the things that i enjoy doing again. the money has been nice, but it's gone mostly to the ridiculous cause of trying to get my car registered in california. step off of the soapbox, chrystal. now.
still planning on kansas. it'll happen in the next week.
i'm so over trying to find a place for chrystalyn jewelry in redding. heck, i'm over finding a place for it anywhere. i do, however, thoroughly enjoy sending out my sweet little postcards and email newsletters. hope you don't mind getting them too badly. take one for the team, will ya? it's the highlight of my week when i go into marketing mode.
i did realize, though, that i believe i need some intercessors maybe for my business. maybe i can solicit honey's help since he does marketplace intercession. wait, i already do. but i just noticed today that i'm going about this thing all wrong. i'm stil tempted to get my feelings hurt when someone says no or doesn't choose to make that purchase. of course the enemy wants to see me intimidated and give up. when i make jewelry, i let something glorious into the atmosphere that changes everything around it. it's not something just pretty, it's something utterly powerful. eat your heart out, esther! (-;
anyway, that's all i've got today. just wanted to give my fingers a work out for a bit and let my mind run free for a few minutes. hope you don't mind...
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Gift certificates, you don't say...
You can purchase any dollar amount you wish. Just print out the GC and stash in the stocking or a sweet handmade card. The lucky recipient just goes and buys what they like and then imputs the code and *voila* makes a purchase that makes them happy!
PS... New customers get a $5 gift certificate with any purchase over $50. Mention that you've never purchased before (don't lie!) and you'll have a reason to come back and see us!
Chrystal Lynn
Thursday, October 02, 2008
really, what am i doing???
i'm doing temp work. i just got a 3.5 week job @ a local human resources company. i volley between answering phones and mailing out my chic little jewelry postcards. now and then, i actually return an email or blog.
i'm also (still) revamping my website. i'm already offering gift certificates that can be purchased right off of the site. i'm also working on a bridal section. i have to get the photos from the brides first... *sigh* i'm getting things ready for a holiday show slated for november 15th. can't recall if i've already announced that or not. i just got the sweetest postcards to promote it. they may very well be my favorite ever. i'll be selling ornaments & wine markers that day @ monica's.
let's see... what else can be said for my evasive posture these days? i still don't answer my phone or texts b/c i have one of those super oldschool ones that does nothing but calls people. it's illegal to talk while you're driving so the only thing to do is put that phone on speakerphone and stuff it into my cleavage. driving used to be the time when i talked to everyone. but since the commute in redding is a fraction of the commute in dallas... there's just not time for that. i've been trying to get a reasonable amount of sleep these days. such a strange thought, i know.
and then there's ministry. my homegroup from last year felt like it was time to take it to the next level so we changed days and moved to a room in the church (was a home group... in the home). i'm on the ministry team as a lead for prophetic ministry. woo hoo. i'm excited b/c i enjoy shaping and building new things. this should be interesting. and as a sidenote, i designed the business cards for the ministry. they turned out lovely, if i say so myself.
overall, my life has gone from macroeconomics to microeconomics. i've gone from seeing things on a grand scheme to beginning to see the bits and pieces and how they all go together. if i recall correctly, i really hated macro b/c it was all so foreign to me. however, i fell in love w/ micro b/c i actually began to how all those pieces and parts snap together and what they're used for. i hate generalizations and, as w/ economics, i had a really hard time figuring out the grand overview of what life looks like in the kingdom of heaven. however, i'm seeing an ease surfacing that i can partially contribute to the way that my brain works, i believe. that's a great revelation, chrystal.
until next time, be expectant and proactive w/ your faith. and by all means, enjoy the process!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
holiday- you dare say the word!
i am also excited to say that i'm going to be rockin' it roadtrip style to kansas in a few weeks. if you or someone you knows would appreciate chrystalyn jewelry, please feel free to get them in touch w/ me. i'm more than excited @ the prospect of seeing some new clients...
continue to watch for details about events where chrystalyn jewelry will be appearing. one already confirmed is redding's november holiday shophop. on saturday, november 15 from 10am to 7pm, i'll be out @ monica's vintage inspired on athens showcasing my ingenious ornaments & wine charms. please come out and help us jumpstart the coming holiday season!!!
why i haven't called you back lately...
i'm also exceptionally busy b/c, as stated in my most previous blogs, i am getting things up and running for the holiday season. i'm arranging some marketing materials as well as some new techniques. i am, yes again, revamping my website. if you've not already realized it, i am a lover of the trial and error method and thus much of my life consists of said method. i wouldn't have it any other way. so back to the website. you will now find the shopping link very useful on the page itself features a feed that allows the most recently uploaded pieces from my etsy site to be showcased. you click the link and you're ready to go! you'll also notice a few new links as such as custom, testimonial, & bridal. the testimonial link is all about customer appreciation. there will be photos of clients in their pieces as well as quotes. the custom section is an invitation to design w/ chrystalyn jewelry and also makes reference to repair work. and finally, the blog page is an actual page rather than a link to a page. w/out leaving the site, you have access to the most recent jewelry blogs @ your disposal.
alright, enough jewelry plugs for now. i am also excited to say that i'm going to be rockin' it roadtrip style to kansas in a few weeks. the dates, @ this point and b/c of my job, look like i'll be gone the 2nd & 3rd week or so of october. not only have i never been to kc, i've also never been to ihop (international house of prayer). i'm going to be going w/ danny and his dad, gary. woohoo. this should be interesting. apparently, we'll sort of be touring the state. we'll be visiting a few small towns, one of which danny grew up in, as well as kansas city itself.
continue to watch for details about events where chrystalyn jewelry will be appearing. one already confirmed is redding's november holiday shophop. on saturday, november 15 from 10am to 7pm, i'll be out @ monica's vintage inspired on athens showcasing my ingenious ornaments & wine charms. please come out and help us jumpstart the coming holiday season!!!
love and miss,
Thursday, September 11, 2008
jewelry party flyer - woo hoo!
jewelry party invite - just for kicks
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
wine charms & ornaments!

wine charms & ornaments
and finally, chrystalyn jewelry is going to be doing a few events this holiday season and they'll be posted as they're confirmed. if you'd like to host a jewelry party, please email for scheduling...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

two months later... and counting!
i know it's been FOREVER (again) since i've updated and i'm moderately ashamed of myself b/c of it. only moderately, though. (-; this summer has been quite an unusual one.
i worked @ a job for awhile that i believed i would keep for awhile. i was wrong. i am now a regular temp agency worker and it's really not that bad. i very much appreciate the flexibility of working or not working depending on the schedule of my life. i'm also working early in the mornings doing catering & marketing @ a yummy little bagel shop that has honey almond cream cheese. enough said. (-;
i went to visit my momma in washington and got to meet all sorts of cool people. we did a dream seminar and they actually gave me the microphone, if you can believe that! (-; we hit up little towns and did a marathon drive of the state in a hot little convertible. i've got the tan to prove it. i sold a week's salary worth of jewelry and i very much appreciate everyone that purchased. one day, we went to a small town farmer's market and i was super surprised when i realized that the man in the booth serving "texas style" bbq sauce was indeed my uncle chucky. go figure! of course, the bottle is signed by charlie but i know the truth...
i found out that i wasn't accepted to 2nd year and i'm very thankful for that. it took some time to process the whys of my lack of acceptance, but i sort of think i knew ahead of time. i felt obligated, in a sense, to apply since i knew i was staying in redding. i think god knew what he was doing by not giving me the option later to say "what if i had gone to 2nd year." now, realizing it wasn't my next step b/c i very much know that god is sovereign, i can just look forward and enjoy the healthy suspense of what is to come this year for me. i was sort of excited about 2nd year, but i was really excited about the thought of building this year. traveling and building is what my heart longs for right now...
on that note, i've decided very much to focus wholeheartedly on creating right now. i'm working on redoing my 2nd piece of furniture right now. as soon as it's done, you'll be able to view it @ under the listing of vintage. i've also expanded into doing some other things w/ my jewelry. it's all still under the chrystalyn name, but i'm moving beyond strictly authentic gemstones and into some fun vintage found objects as well. these pieces, though still under chrystalyn, are catagorized in my shop as parallel. this section will be more expansive in materials, but no less quality work. you'll also notice that i've got an entire section devoted to vintage reworked, which is exclusively vintage in origin and maybe just done up in a more "now" way. overall, i'm just focusing on expansion as a whole. i'm pursuing the idea of elevating my creativity into a new level past hobby status. i'll also be booking holiday shopping shows for anyone who is in the area and would like to be a hostess. and just for the record, there are rewards for hosting...
in the last few months, things did not play out as i would have thought. i wanted to have my job as soon as school was out and being able to put back money for either 2nd year or for a new creative project. that did not happen, but i am very thankful for the way things have played out. if you had asked me a few months ago how my 1st year experience was, i might has given a slightly jaded expression and it probably would have taken me awhile to knit together a few breakthrough laced strings of events. i'm happy to say now, though, that i have received the vision for this past year... only backwards and in hindsight. i had vision coming out, but i must say it was exceptionally colored by the ideal world that my brain loves to reside in. ironically, god doesn't ever seem to manifest that world through my circumstances. in fact, and on the contrary, i think he very much enjoys simultaniously showing me what a incapable thing i am and how amazing i am all @ once through high pressure incidents, and often one after another. i'll admit that used to bother me. it bothered me until i realized that i wasn't really able to successfully foil the unthinkable plans of the creator of heaven and earth. this revelation both humbles and comforts me. and if i'd not learned anything else in the last year but only that, i'd enthusiastically agree that this was a good thing to do...
all of this is to say that i am in a good place and i think it's beginning to show in amidst my countenance as it's not shown before. if that's not proof of progress, i don't know what is!
love and miss,
chrystal lynn
Friday, June 06, 2008
love and miss!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
here comes summertime!!

yes, first year of school of supernatural ministry will be DONE! on sunday, 750 revivalists from all over the globe will be commissioned and sent out to heal the sick, raise the dead, and set the captives free!!!
today @ school, bill came around and anointed us in a reverse firetunnel. and it wasn't just once, it was 4 times. he started and just kept on going. anyone that was still able to stand up got it again and again and again. amidst the good time, god began to show me some things about my time here this past 9 months. he showed me how @ the beginning of this year, i was dropped into the depths of his great expanse of love. apparently, i've been there just hanging out since this past fall. today, however, i've been fished out and he's placing me in a new setting that is bigger than the one before b/c i've become bigger than i was before. i, as a jewel, have been sopping up his love and glory and have expanded greatly. now i'm being placed in a new setting so that i can be his signet ring to portray both his authority and imagination. it's all quite lovely, really.
as for the rest of life in the natural sense, i'm still searching for a job. in the meantime, me and the honey have been redoing old furniture and are just starting to sell some of it. here's a photo of the chic little magazine rack that i just finished last night. it's an adorable cool green tone that is depictive of all of our new beginnings. i'm also looking to expand the jewelry out into some areas besides dallas and redding. if you know of a hip shop, i'd love to check them out and see if chrystalyn might bea good fit for them.
and finally, just b/c school is out doesn't mean we can't still keep in touch. if anything, i'd love to hear what everyone is doing and i'd love for you to know how the fruit of this year's investment is coming along. i'll still be doing jewelry (that never ends) and who knows what other sorts of creative projects. we'll just see what amazing creative things i can dig out of the depths of god's mysterious heart....
much love...
Monday, May 12, 2008
three stone necklace!
14k gold filled & sterling silver chain
single stone pendant w/ 2 accent stones
inquire today by email....

chrystalyn jewelry - $17 necklace!!!
three stone necklace $17

i’ve got 4 adorably simplistic three stone necklaces for sale and they’re all a steal @ $17! snatch them up quick @
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
2.5 weeks and counting!
as for school, the official school bill is still $670. if you'd like to support, please send by way of the paypal link to the left or by check directly to the school as stated under the support heading. i can't actually graduate until i get the bill paid, so i'm praying hard that god will bring in those finances.
in other news, thanks to everyone that's been supporting the jewelry/keychain business. it's so appreciated.
also, please pray for my momma. she's here visiting right now and she had to go to an emergency session @ the chiropractor today b/c she had unbearable pain in her back. she's going again tomorrow for a followup.
beyond all that, i'm just so thankful for who god is. we had a 2.5 hour worship session today that was utter beauty. god came down amidst us and whipped around us just as the winds in redding are whipping tonight. @ the height of our worship, god began to show me places generationally that he's breaking off of me, my family, and our class as a whole. there was such a spirit of freedom and truth in the room, i couldn't help but bounce around. if that's what habitation of god's spirit looks like, i'm so in...........
and as a final note, i'm getting ready to send out one more support letter to get that last $670 knocked out so i can graduate. if you want to be on my mailing list, please email me w/ your physical address so i can throw one your way.
much love and boundless blessings....
Thursday, April 24, 2008
school's almost over!!!!...
if you feel so inclined, feel free to send some support by way of the paypal link in the left margin or by check to the church if tax deductible is an issue.
i've been working some part time side jobs lately that make me really appreciate the idea of some stability coming up in my life. i've done taste testing promotions and temp work mainly. i'm thinking that i'll probably temp all through the summer as it's quite flexible. i'm seriously considering a newspaper route too. anyone you know ever done that??? the hours are crazy, but again, i like the idea of lots of random jobs that give me a well rounded collection of income streams. of course, i've always got chrystalyn jewelry. if you've not yet checked out the keychains, do so immediately. the wings are selling like mad!
as for the summer, my immediate plans are to stay here in redding through the summer w/ the exception of some much needed traveling. i've not been to texas since i moved here during the middle of september. i'm also hooking myself up w/ some ministry opportunities here @ bethel as i think it's very important that i stay in a posture to pour out to others right now.
in fact, i'm completely psyched about the healing rooms. i'm taking a class right now that will enable me to work in the healing rooms by the time school is out. healing is the one thing right now that i just feel god dangling out before me like a carrot on a string. i've determined to not leave redding until i see some serious breakthrough in this realm. and really, i know this conviction is just an invitation to experience another piece of who god is so i'm very expectant.
our weekly outreach, which is supernatural business, is also going to continue during the summer. this particular outreach was new for the year and our class really had the honor to carve out and pioneer what it looked like. i will definitely continue on w/ this weekly endeavor. god told me in the first week of school that he'd use the outreach time to both cultivate some experience in this arena as well as give me the opportunity to seed into others' businesses. if i did so, he said he'd bless what i did in business also.
oh, MISSIONS!!!! so we had missions week the last few weeks. if you've been reading the blog, you know that i wasn't able to go on the tecate, mx trip as initially expected. i was bummed, but in the same instance, god had been talking to me about being like david's men that stayed behind and still got to share in the spoils. we did have an enjoyable time and i did have some great creative breakthrough. that week, the keychain idea was birthed!!! the photo was the saturday revival we did here in town @ a local park. we did a bbq, worship, carnival, and anointing time (complete w/ fire tunnel). i was so excited b/c my words of knowledge were so on that day!!!

and as a final note, i've just been reflecting a ton this week. my momma is currently here visiting and things are shifting like wild. we're all in this new outfit that we're all kinda tripping over pant legs right now b/c we've certainly not grown into it but we've also not quite learned how to manage ourselves according to it either. it's an awkward place to be and a bright one as well. i'm just thankful that i'm having this chance in my life to set everything aside and really get myself put together again. it's such a massive blessing.
love you...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
check out the newest for mother’s day!!!

we're doing a special mother's day promo for keychains until may 11. you can either get any keychain for $10, or you can get a keychain for $8 when you buy any piece of jewelry.
these dainty gemstone ornaments are another original gift idea for the woman who packed your favorite lunch for years. get them for $8 with any jewelry purchase (keychains excluded).
note on availability
if you need multiples of the ornaments or keychains (for sale or already sold), know that can be arranged. email me and i'll add a higher quantity for purchase...
go to etsy to shop now!
Friday, April 11, 2008
even more jewelry & brief status report on life
if you know of any shops that my pieces would do well in (please consider pricepoints & all regions welcome) and you'd like to support chrystalyn jewelry w/ some marketing assistance, i'd love for you to either refer the shop to me or i could send you a few postcards (already filled out) and you could address them to the shop specifically.
AND sorry this is so short, but in between mission week... i've been getting new photos for postcard marketing as well as for the site. updates on missions next week for sure. again, thanks for all that have been and are supporting me!!! i've still got a bit left on this year's school bill, so please pray. additionally, i recently hooked up w/ a temp agency to get some work so pray for favor there.
love you all & enjoy shopping!!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008
check it!! get yours today @

Monday, April 07, 2008
check it!!! get yours today by emailing

Saturday, March 29, 2008
san francisco & thanks!
the first was that i'd be able to drive again by spring break. the other was that i'd be able to go, @ least for the day, out of town on a roadtrip so it would actually feel like spring break. both have come true. i'm finally driving again, thank god!!! then god just connected me w/ an amazing friend that invited me to join her on her daytrip to san fran earlier today (all expenses paid, yo!). it was great. see???

feel free to check the rest of the photos of the day @ and check out today's date. you'll also find a comprehensive album of pretty much everything i've photographically documented since i came here. you'll see good friends, the honey, roadtrips, and holidays.
while i'm @ it, i just want to thank everyone that's contributed financially so that i can get to my next place. it's SO appreciated. and honestly, your contributions have completely shifted the way i view god. thanks again for being a part of what god is doing in me to break off that poverty spirit. i am much obliged.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
a new thing
as you might have noticed (i'm sure all the photos of jewelry along the left margin tipped you off), i make prophetic jewelry. in the 3 or so years that i've been doing it, i've been discouraged time and time again by the lack of response i've received as a whole. now there have been many wonderful people that have supported me (and i thank you all so much), but still i was unable to move forward in it as more than just a side hobby. i realized today that, despite my lack of understanding through this journey, god has had a very good plan for my creativity.
it seems as though there were many thing holding me back (fear of failure, rejection, success, ect) and i was so unable to maintain the needed confidence every time i began to break through into a new level. well, today i'm saying it's lifted!!!! the lack of confidence that i do good work, that i make a valued product, or that god doesn't have my back in this endeavor. today, i'm fully aware that much breakthrough of the mind has come about in this last nine months and i am finally expectant in my ability to move forward in the world of creativity.
i can just see, today, how my vision has been clarified and how little about me it is. today, i know that god will pour favor upon me b/c i'm releasing the kingdom around me and through my art. i just see how imperative it is for the fashion industry and creative arts to begin to ravage heaven for the anointed ideas and designs that have been crafted for such a time as this.
if you are an artist or even if you have creative tendencies, begin to tug on god's sleeve for the release of heavenly inspired ideas and designs in this season. he desires to inundate the world w/ beautiful and glory coated treasures in the coming days. allow yourself to be one that he uses to do so...
happy building,
Monday, March 24, 2008
spring break - a break from the brain
i was talking to the honey last night and considering whether 1st year has been all it's cracked up to be. there's been some good times, but i'm finding that there's alot more to it than i initially intended. it's so easy to pick the most outgoing or freely spirit moving people out and be frustrated b/c i'm not @ their level. it's easy to feel like, during the crunch time, that i've not accomplished or grasped everything i was sent her to land. it's even easy to beat myself up for not trying all of the very cool outreaches and classes offered here @ bethel and thus deduct that i've wasted my time this last 9 months.
but last night i realized that we're all in different seasons. i, personally, have been in a deep place of deliverance most of this year w/ god getting @ all of the deeply hidden things that have terrorized relationships, tormented those that i love, and made lunchmeat of my insides b/c i'd not yet been ready to deal w/ some very hard things.
i guess, my point is, 1st year has not looked as i supposed it would look @ all. it's been alot of soaring ups and very low downs. it's been joyful, unbearable, infuriating, and freeing. i say all this b/c recently, i've had a hard time putting this year into perspective. i've heard myself and even listened to some others imply that i hadn't accomplished what i came here to do. the reality is, i had no idea what i came here to do. i knew that god would release some solid connections in my life here and that i would come into a place of expansion. beyond that, my expectations were quite nondescript.
so i feel like my perspective and god's are totally different about 1st year. i think that god is capable of accomplishing all that he has set out to do in me as well as through me. after having some light shed on this incident, i realized that this investment of my time will impact every portion of my life in the days to come. it will affect even the places in the future where my time is to bask brightly and joyously in the fullness of my dreams realized.
i just want to commend anyone that's every sacrificed a chunk of their life out to invest in your future as a child of god. it doesn't ever seem to be what we think it will be, but it's always a fruitful endeaver when you've got the right heart.
be blessed in the year of new beginnings!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
the names of god...
if you're feeling defeated right now, hold on a bit longer and let him break through every wall that's held you back in the past seasons. for every gate that's not opened for you, the lord says that he is swinging wide open the gates this year on our behalf! take a deep, sweet breath and let the expectation of heaven saturate your insides tonight. bask in the glories to come and the kindness of a good, good daddy...
much love,
job hunting & easter break
i've had breakthrough in that i've been on a few interviews, but the schedule seems to be the perpetual issue (i'm only available in the mornings and all day on mondays & saturdays). even still, i know that god has something for me. please just pray that it will be released!!!
on a much brighter note, today is our last day of school before spring break. we've got a week off plus tomorrow which is good friday. i'd really love for a few bits of daunting circumstances to pan out so that i can enjoy a bit of the area. i'm hardcore contending for breakthrough right now as i know everyone is.
much love,
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
mission trip update - mexico trip cancelled
unfortunately, due to some really uncool circumstances (finances!! grrr!!!), it doesn't look as though i'll be able to go. we had our first official mission trip training today and i believe i'll be staying here in redding. honestly, i'm sort of upset. however, after hearing the vision for the daily outreaches we've got planned, i'm sort of excited. i think we'll be doing some block parties, treating kids to fun days, and like events.
overall, it will be good. i just had sort of hoped that i'd be able to get out and about seeing how i didn't have the opportunity to go home for either thanksgiving or christmas. even still, i intend on being here over the summer and maybe i'll have a chance to do some exploring of california then....
much love,
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
call me button
Monday, March 10, 2008
blogs & jobs
anyway, check it out. you might like it...
in other news, i'm currently looking for a job that will carry over into the summertime. i'd like something enjoyable. no taking out the trash in heels, preferably. however, i don't mind the smell of fish. of course, i don't know if it's better or worse in dry heat vs the humid heat of texas. anyway, i'm looking for a job.... referrals or recommendations?????
Saturday, March 08, 2008
trunk show @ monica's
looking forward to more good times like this in the future!

Thursday, March 06, 2008
on my heart...
i just got this new book from a friend last week called "the new mystics" by john crowder. it's this huge medley of amazing god-lovers past and present that were known for being his friends. you should read it. it'll make you utterly unsatisfied w/ what you've seen yourself and completely compelled to host the presence of god as never before. it'll cause you to explore the mysterious and hidden rooms w/in your spirit that confirms the breathtakingly odd part of who our god is. it will jumpstart a motor in you that has a built-in propellor, probably. try it, you may like it...
on another note, i'm preparing for some new approaches to the jewelry line. i have these great, oversized postcards that i'm very psyched about that i'm sending out to hip boutiques that i feel could appreciate what i do. i used to do a email newsletter, but that was almost exclusively for my direct clients. i feel, though, that god may be causing me to branch out into some previously feared territories. please pray for me as i move forward in approaching shops to purchase my pieces wholesale.
also, there's such a freshness to life right now. here in norcal, the sun is shining and the brisk breeze is blowing like crazy. everyone i know is just itching to get outside again and go exploring through this lovely part of the country. likewise, i'm feeling a resounding hope rise up out of me that god is good and sovereign and exactly who he says that he is. may faith and expectation likewise bubble up out of you as the winter slinks away and spring bursts forth!!!
one more thing, if you've got problems w/ your complextion... i've got something i've been using for a week now and it's cleared me up beautifully. ask me about it if you like....
Sunday, March 02, 2008
in case you're curious, i did the drawings w/ this crazy pencil that you can smear w/ water and it winds up looking like watercolor. it's amazing....!

Saturday, March 01, 2008
results of the trunk show
thanks to the honey for cutting down the beautiful blossom branches on such short notice! (-;
shop now:
find out more:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
poopie sick & the arts
Sunday, February 24, 2008
missions & 2nd year
Saturday, February 23, 2008
call me, yo
this way i'll always be in touch. say you don't have my new number yet (which i just got this past week) and my phone says disconnected. or, you'd like to just leave a little tidbit of encouragement. feel free to let me know what's on your heart, what you need prayer for (as i ask you guys for prayer all the time), or whatever.
love and miss,
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
trunk show @ the end of this month
please pray for me as jewelry is my primary source of income right now and i'd like for all of my current inventory to sell.
more news later!!!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
generational issues
so... in case you've missed us... here's a little bit of holiday fun that you'll be glad you got to partake in!
for starters, check out the slideshow to the left. it's a medley of friends here as well as those back home in big d. there is a separate slideshow specifically for my jewelry, which is constantly being changed up.
more to come... enjoy!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
jumpstarting the beautiful thing entity called blog
there have been certain things that i've fought tooth and nail:
- blogger
- myspace
- friendster
- a boyfriend
anyway, this is good. this will prompt me to update more frequently. in fact, i think i'll start out w/ a posting of my email update to my old church crew from just this morning...
hey guys,
i know i’ve not really done a very good job of updating you guys on what’s going on here in california, and i’m sorry that i’ve not. i woke up this morning very much feeling the need to let you all know where i am and what’s going on. i guess, if you received a support letter, you may have some idea of what’s up here. however, i don’t believe that i had addresses on all of you.
i’m really enjoying being here. the first half of the year has been a ton of deliverance (organized and relationional), and as some of you know…. i’ve been looking for that for months now. so that’s been a blessing. i feel like god’s really been dealing w/ some mad generational issues regarding many of the issues that you guys have counseled me on (including, relationships, identity, finances). so on that note, thanks for being the initial platform that god used to begin to deal w/ that stuff.
i’m currently in a ladies’ cell group that reminds me a good bit of the reese’s/janice’s group that i loved so much. in fact, i’m finding many small things that remind me of home, not just dallas, but glory… and i like that very much. i’m currently dating a guy right now and have been since about October. he’s from ihop/Kansas and is currently 2nd year. i’ve made some really snazzy friends, many of which are creative and called to the marketplace like me. for those of you that remember steve, pam, and sheena collar… they are here attending 1st year as a family. is Emily the intercessor still there? her nephew is here for school as well. what else? i just got released as a prayer servant, which is good.
yesterday, i spent the evening listening to the goz radio feed and i’ve realized that i’ve missed the fight in me. god brought me here to impart identity, grace, and love… but lately i’ve just been feeling like such a twinkle-eyed puddle of goo. i know that god is desiring me to revisit some of who i am and my roots and i very much consider you guys a massive part of that. i recall having a dream before i left where i looked down @ my shoes and they were the same 2-tone color scheme as chuck’s car. i stated aloud this observation and when i awoke, i felt as though god was letting me know that much of my foundation has been w/ glory.
i guess i’ve sort of been that pendulum that’s swung one way, then the other, and now i’m trying to get that balance. i love it here and the heart for revival that they’ve got. even still, i’m finding myself craving a bit of a more aggressive worship beat and chuck’s accent (which i never noticed until i’ve not heard anything southern in a few months!!). (-;
i love you guys. please pray for me as i’m trying to find a new rhythm and how these 2 streams flow together. i’ve head stories of others trying to find the merge point on different flavored streams, but i don’t think i realized how deliberate and touchy it really was…
i do attend 1st fruits online and absolutely love it. good stuff. keeps me in the loop!
i’ve began a new approach to my jewelry. more of it has an attached blessing/word than ever before. that’s a good thing. still looking for a job, though, as well.
i think that’s all i’ve got for now. miss you guys individually, really hated to send the stereotypical distribution list email… but i figured this was better than nothing, huh??? (-;
chrystal lynn paasch
find out more: